Saturday, March 15, 2014
A Special Keshi Gift from the Retro Gaming Community
I just wanted to post this short video about a gift I received from one of the winners of a Final Boss contest. Im feeling under the weather and may not be able to post an article this weekend I'm sorry. And thanks again to all you….
I really loved getting this gift in the mail ! Thanks again Demokin !!!
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Game Hunting EP 11 - SEGA GENESIS Game Lot !
I was kinda saving this video for a rainy day and its poring here at Casa de FinalBoss. Sub Boss (My Son) Has a fever and I need to tend to his needs. But !! Fret not heres two videos to hold you over till our next game review.
I recently talked about my experiences Game Hunting in Florida on Vacation and we looked at the spoils, well heres a big box O' Fun to add to the Sega Genesis console I picked up. I got some great titles at a really AMAZING price. Lets take a look so sit back and shoot his over to your Apple TVs or Youtube ready sets….
Just goes to show you that great deals can still be found on eBay. Those sonic games alone are worth the price. Below is a lil unboxing and retrospective on a game that changed how games were made it truly raised the bar and threw down the gauntlet to the other game developers of the time…
I hope you all enjoyed that love sonnet to one of my favorite games of All Time !!!!! This video has brought about the possibility of an upgrade to the way we do things here at the Final Boss so be on the look out for a very possible quality boost in the near future…..
Thanks again for coming by and please continue to follow the social media account @finalbossnyc on Instagram, Twitter ,Flickr and Tumblr. I hope you all entered Valentines day contest that just passed and took a shot at winning a Famicom game for your own collections. If not then you should be clicking follow on the aforementioned social sites and apps @finalbossnyc .Till next time keep gaming….
I recently talked about my experiences Game Hunting in Florida on Vacation and we looked at the spoils, well heres a big box O' Fun to add to the Sega Genesis console I picked up. I got some great titles at a really AMAZING price. Lets take a look so sit back and shoot his over to your Apple TVs or Youtube ready sets….
I hope you all enjoyed that love sonnet to one of my favorite games of All Time !!!!! This video has brought about the possibility of an upgrade to the way we do things here at the Final Boss so be on the look out for a very possible quality boost in the near future…..
Thanks again for coming by and please continue to follow the social media account @finalbossnyc on Instagram, Twitter ,Flickr and Tumblr. I hope you all entered Valentines day contest that just passed and took a shot at winning a Famicom game for your own collections. If not then you should be clicking follow on the aforementioned social sites and apps @finalbossnyc .Till next time keep gaming….
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Big Box O' Pirated Booty: Game # 4 - B-WINGS
This week we dive back into the "Big Box O' Pirated Booty" once again and grab another game. For those unfamiliar with my "Big Box O' Pirated Booty" or BBOPB for short heres the skinny… Last year I got the box featured below from the Island of pirate games aka Thailand and in it were eight Famicom games seven of which were bootlegs and seven are also Shoot em ups or SHMUPS as they are commonly called.
Now that we are all caught up lets move on to game #4 of the BBOPB: B-Wings !
Known in Japanese arcades as Battle Wings the game was released in 1984 by Data East, the game had no back story but set the player off in a space fighter against all odds to destroy a entire army. The game stood out due to its unique play style. The game had two buttons one the standard firing action but the other dropped the player to the ground level so he or she could avoid the aerial enemies and take on some ground based targets but only for a brief time period. This diving action also jettisoned the crafts wings and the player could then replace them upon return to the normal play field by grabbing one of eight different kinds as a power up. The eight power up wings each had a specific style of firing pattern and ammo. In 1986 B-Wings was ported to the Nintendo Famicom and would be the first of many Data East titles on the Nintendo home console. Data East had a rich line of games such as Burger Time, Heavy Barrel, Karnov, Vigilante & Bad Dudes.
Having never heard of B-Wings and looking at my beat up bootleg copy I had low expectations for this game…..
The Famicom version eliminates the ground assault portion of the game but keeps the diving action intact as it acted as a means to ditch your wings in the arcade so one might equip new power-up wings. Why programer didn't just have the B button drop your wings and not dive at all I don't understand especially as its so brief of an descent that no dangers can be avoided unlike the Loop de Loop in Capcom's 1941(Read Here). Hell why you just can't fly into the new wings you desire like any power up in a game is unknown to me as well.
The games intro screen is pretty plain but offers a nice musical piece as does the rest of the game. Starting off you are asked to chose one of TEN types of Wings Yes ! Not eight BUT ten, the game replaced a ground based wing with 3 other new ones and some hidden power ups throughout the game as I understand it.
Cannon- fires 2 bricks and a heart… strong but werid.
Wide- shoots a spread gun type pattern that is so so on distance
Multi-Rotaing turret allows 7 directional firing, cannot fire backwards...
Anti-guess what now you CAN shoot backwards
Van-like Wide but has less distance
Side-Ship will now fire horizontally….Sucks!
Hammer- 2 black spheres attach to your pink shaft of a ship making it look like ..well… yeah….
Jump-Exploding ammo, oooohhhhhh.
Dyna-fires shield like crescent beam, downside is the short distance but not bad.
Fire- Much like laser in Contra it stinks!
After pressing start and selecting you Wing Style you shoot off down a runway or at least it looks that way to me? Launching my fighter into the first area I'm impressed with graphics of the first structures I come upon and destroy the following set of enemies is so so looking but the game seems to scroll smoothly with many enemies and targets on screen at once. Speaking of scrolling this appears to be one of these game that allows you to pull left to right and scroll infinitely horizontally as the game scrolls you ever vertically towards our goal. The first enemies looked like large green A-Bombs and now the third set of targets unimpressively resembles the throwing weapons of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman or aka G-Force. After another area of amazing looking structures I find yet more crappy looking ships, these look like a green smiley face with stubby legs…..yeah all crazy otto like. Just as I start to wonder if theres going to be any decent looking ships a alarm rings out and a volley of 80s style Nuclear warheads rain down on my ship which happens to look like a raging boner since you know I i just had to chose Hammer Wing at the start of the level. The Missiles continue their assault as the STage 1 End Boss moves its massive self on screen. The Boss is a pretty elaborate and kool looking ship with many weak spots you must target to destroy it.
The second stage continues the visually lacking enemy ship theme while the structures like the bosses are much more creative and almost seem to belong in a different game. The game repeats this format although it doesn't mind throwing a curve ball adding in the occasional really outta place Boss like a Spider that seems it was designed for the Colecovision Smurf game or a Bipedal humanoid frog that creeps me the FU*K OUT !! Some stage are home to attacking fighters that graphically flash and twitch so bad I think I'm playing the Atari 2600… No exaggeration here…none! The game has so many of these weird quirks I can't even mention them all like how when you die you continue to control an explosion that can fire at the enemy for a surprising extended amount of time or when you start the next level the Wing/Weapon select screen is there but you can NOT select any Weapon until every fifth stage even if your starting a new life???. I didn't finish this game nor am I sure I wanted to… THATS A LIE !! I wanna finish every game out of curiosity but I didn't have the time or patience. The game does require time as I discovered it has 30 of the 45 stages from the Arcade intact…ouch!
I watched a Youtube Video of a Long play and the game seems to take an Hour on average I even watched a video where an individual used and Emulator with a Invincibility cheat which in interesting as the game offers endless continues as far as I could tell in my journey thru personaly playing the first 10 stages. I did see in the Videos that it offers no real ending just a lil scene where the B-Wing flies past several of the final bosses.
I honesty can't say how I feel about this game... Its inventive and unique in its genre but I found a lot of weird flaws in it…. but I may be over critical and lacking patience right now as Ive been potty training my son this weekend its like living with a mini Sid Vicious what with all the peeing on the floor and incoherent yelling. Having given all my patience to him I suggest downloading a copy or watching a YouTube Long Play to make your own opinion before buying. Just 4 games left in the Big Box O' Pirated Booty !!
Thanks for joining us again and as always be sure to follow us on the popular social media of your choice @Finalbossnyc on Instagram, Twitter and Flickr. And remember to check them for the Giveaways of retro gaming items including games and consoles. And please check out our parent site for all the geek thats fit to collect @ Geek Mode Online . Till next time happy gaming….
Now that we are all caught up lets move on to game #4 of the BBOPB: B-Wings !
Known in Japanese arcades as Battle Wings the game was released in 1984 by Data East, the game had no back story but set the player off in a space fighter against all odds to destroy a entire army. The game stood out due to its unique play style. The game had two buttons one the standard firing action but the other dropped the player to the ground level so he or she could avoid the aerial enemies and take on some ground based targets but only for a brief time period. This diving action also jettisoned the crafts wings and the player could then replace them upon return to the normal play field by grabbing one of eight different kinds as a power up. The eight power up wings each had a specific style of firing pattern and ammo. In 1986 B-Wings was ported to the Nintendo Famicom and would be the first of many Data East titles on the Nintendo home console. Data East had a rich line of games such as Burger Time, Heavy Barrel, Karnov, Vigilante & Bad Dudes.
Having never heard of B-Wings and looking at my beat up bootleg copy I had low expectations for this game…..
The Famicom version eliminates the ground assault portion of the game but keeps the diving action intact as it acted as a means to ditch your wings in the arcade so one might equip new power-up wings. Why programer didn't just have the B button drop your wings and not dive at all I don't understand especially as its so brief of an descent that no dangers can be avoided unlike the Loop de Loop in Capcom's 1941(Read Here). Hell why you just can't fly into the new wings you desire like any power up in a game is unknown to me as well.
The games intro screen is pretty plain but offers a nice musical piece as does the rest of the game. Starting off you are asked to chose one of TEN types of Wings Yes ! Not eight BUT ten, the game replaced a ground based wing with 3 other new ones and some hidden power ups throughout the game as I understand it.
Cannon- fires 2 bricks and a heart… strong but werid.
Wide- shoots a spread gun type pattern that is so so on distance
Multi-Rotaing turret allows 7 directional firing, cannot fire backwards...
Anti-guess what now you CAN shoot backwards
Van-like Wide but has less distance
Side-Ship will now fire horizontally….Sucks!
Hammer- 2 black spheres attach to your pink shaft of a ship making it look like ..well… yeah….
Jump-Exploding ammo, oooohhhhhh.
Dyna-fires shield like crescent beam, downside is the short distance but not bad.
Fire- Much like laser in Contra it stinks!
After pressing start and selecting you Wing Style you shoot off down a runway or at least it looks that way to me? Launching my fighter into the first area I'm impressed with graphics of the first structures I come upon and destroy the following set of enemies is so so looking but the game seems to scroll smoothly with many enemies and targets on screen at once. Speaking of scrolling this appears to be one of these game that allows you to pull left to right and scroll infinitely horizontally as the game scrolls you ever vertically towards our goal. The first enemies looked like large green A-Bombs and now the third set of targets unimpressively resembles the throwing weapons of Science Ninja Team Gatchaman or aka G-Force. After another area of amazing looking structures I find yet more crappy looking ships, these look like a green smiley face with stubby legs…..yeah all crazy otto like. Just as I start to wonder if theres going to be any decent looking ships a alarm rings out and a volley of 80s style Nuclear warheads rain down on my ship which happens to look like a raging boner since you know I i just had to chose Hammer Wing at the start of the level. The Missiles continue their assault as the STage 1 End Boss moves its massive self on screen. The Boss is a pretty elaborate and kool looking ship with many weak spots you must target to destroy it.
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The second stage continues the visually lacking enemy ship theme while the structures like the bosses are much more creative and almost seem to belong in a different game. The game repeats this format although it doesn't mind throwing a curve ball adding in the occasional really outta place Boss like a Spider that seems it was designed for the Colecovision Smurf game or a Bipedal humanoid frog that creeps me the FU*K OUT !! Some stage are home to attacking fighters that graphically flash and twitch so bad I think I'm playing the Atari 2600… No exaggeration here…none! The game has so many of these weird quirks I can't even mention them all like how when you die you continue to control an explosion that can fire at the enemy for a surprising extended amount of time or when you start the next level the Wing/Weapon select screen is there but you can NOT select any Weapon until every fifth stage even if your starting a new life???. I didn't finish this game nor am I sure I wanted to… THATS A LIE !! I wanna finish every game out of curiosity but I didn't have the time or patience. The game does require time as I discovered it has 30 of the 45 stages from the Arcade intact…ouch!
I watched a Youtube Video of a Long play and the game seems to take an Hour on average I even watched a video where an individual used and Emulator with a Invincibility cheat which in interesting as the game offers endless continues as far as I could tell in my journey thru personaly playing the first 10 stages. I did see in the Videos that it offers no real ending just a lil scene where the B-Wing flies past several of the final bosses.
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I honesty can't say how I feel about this game... Its inventive and unique in its genre but I found a lot of weird flaws in it…. but I may be over critical and lacking patience right now as Ive been potty training my son this weekend its like living with a mini Sid Vicious what with all the peeing on the floor and incoherent yelling. Having given all my patience to him I suggest downloading a copy or watching a YouTube Long Play to make your own opinion before buying. Just 4 games left in the Big Box O' Pirated Booty !!
Thanks for joining us again and as always be sure to follow us on the popular social media of your choice @Finalbossnyc on Instagram, Twitter and Flickr. And remember to check them for the Giveaways of retro gaming items including games and consoles. And please check out our parent site for all the geek thats fit to collect @ Geek Mode Online . Till next time happy gaming….
Sunday, February 2, 2014
War Journal Entry #5 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Fall of the Foot Clan
I'm sitting here last night Among all these games and I realize I had not come up with an article for this weekend it was already Saturday….. It was upon me…. it was too late!!! I stared blankly through my game section just telling myself that I only needed to review a game, it didn't have to be something I could beat I would just find a game game that I thought you all would find interesting. Find one that I thought I could deliver enough information on for it to be entertaining and informative and that would be okay. I wouldn't pull the easy route and do some Football Game in "honor" of the Super Bowl since Honestly I don't care about Football or the Video games. I had played Madden on Genesis wit my lil bro way back when and I would just press C for shotgun play.
4-1 Down River
Its time to float down river and find the Chrome Dome and Techno-Drome. The stage provides some logs to float on kinda like frogger and if you make use of them you can avoid the mechanical monsters posting as fish below…. for a bit any way. Watch out for the falling "Nitro Burning Doughnuts" you can hit them as they fall but once they start rolling on the ground they pose too small a target to hit even while crouching with those throwing stars we all love. Underwater and at the half way point…hey were breathing under water !!! Yeah for Konami !! Like I was saying underwater and halfway through the stage you'll find not only pizza but those pesky shell shockers roll just fine under her so be sure to jump when yah see em. Jumping out of the water also makes any approaching onscreen mechanical fish disappear as a neat glitch. When area 4-2 kicks off immediately turn to the left and jump high in to the top left corner of the screen to be wished to another Bonus Round hopefully the target or Krang game as they are easy. What this swamp (?) area lacks in detail it makes up for in abundance of enimies it wasn't easy being green and keep in mind there are only two pizza slices here. I put my reflexes and faith in the controls to the test as I repeatedly slashed Foot Ninja and these weird attacking sparks all the while jumping to dodge a stampede of Shell Shocker Boulders and the appearance of Mousers that now pop out of the ground to attack you….I applaud you Konami programers…. well played. I almost certainly jump kicked more here than the rest of the game.
The Shredder !!
Shred Head Finally makes his debut and is not as simple as his underlings. This Master Ninja has learned a disappearing Jutsu which he executes after he swipes at you with his Katana. I leaped at him taking the offense and would quickly back away jumping in retreat then return only after he would do his disappearing trick. Not the hardest Boss fight ever but strategy is needed.
If at any point in the game you need to fill your heath gauge to full or want to save a certain turtle from being lost forever dimly Puase the Game and input the Konami or Contra code we all know and love…
5-1 Techno-Drome
Once again kick off the final level by jumping in to the upper left for Bonus Game. Starting off this final Stage I was so excited to be this close to winning and doing so well. Energy beams similar to the ones found in the Arcade game make an appreance but their not alone as mousers return again to burrow from under your two toed feet and they too are not alone in-fact no ones alone as almost all the previous enemies are here to attack you and….. those "Road Kill Rodneys" from the Arcade game too you know the ones that ride on a single tire and shock you to death with a metallic tendril. Savior the one slice o' pizza you get here as its the only one…. and at the end of the damn area…..
Moving on to 5-2 and nearing completion I really started to get nerviousnow for the first time, not only was I about to finally Finish this and Make it a proud War Journal entry but I was going undefeated with all four Terrapin Teens still in my bank !!!!! Go Green Machine !!! Yet again I jump up to the left and discover another Bonus Area, man they are getting complacent with the location at this point eh? A final new vehicle for my destruction shows its ugly face although it has no face and is quite literally a vehicle, is a tunneling looking machine that has rows of blades and spikes so I jump to avoid and don't even think of finding out if it can bleed. I find Pizza slices at the beginning and middle of this area and I need them the Rodneys have electrocuted poor Leo so much I'm about to use the Contra code to revive him just when an enemy falls and I find in place of a corpse a delicious New York Style Pizza. Mangaeing to hold on till the end of the stage I find a full sized pizza pie waiting to refill my heath once again before I move off screen to the right and face the Master of the Techno-Drome…..
I find Krang much as you would in the Cartoon starting at the controls to the massive portal to his home world of Dimension X. His oversized mechanical replacement body is at full power and ready to make Shredder that turtle soup he was always threading to dine on. I take the offensive as I usually do and jump kick the big brute and quickly back away. Thank goodness for those Ninja reflexes again as when you attack him Krang immediately counters with a big boot. Several combinations of slash and run or kick and run and finally the Robot body slowly disapears as Krang is defeated and sent back through the portal. Another little cut scene show the turtles untying April O'Neil as she thanks them through text.
Holy Crap !!! I just beat TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan !!!! On one Turtle !!!
The Finisher Lives on !! Total play time: 26 mins.
Some times the best things can't be planned and I really enjoyed this game and review I will most certainly play this game again and again over the years. Kudos to Konami fall of the Foot Clan team on a job done AMAZINGLY !!! Please continue to follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Flickr @FinalbossNYC and thanks again for all the support.
Alright till next time COWABUNGA DUDES !!!!!!
My eyes moved towards my GameBoy collection... the middle stack top game…. Konami's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : The fall of the Foot Clan. This is a game that I played quite a few times as child but I never owned a copy. I would borrow a friends while we hung out and throw it into my Game Boy and give it a try or in Junior High kids would pass around a GameBoy at lunch and play whatever they had. I always looked forward to playing this game and I finally bought a copy at VGNY last year but never sat down for a proper play. I told myself that I could just review the game and talk about how amazing or not amazing it is, talk about the controls and the graphics even, or about the developers and any highlights they made have had in their careers…... But standing there my game section staring at my Leonardo statue surrounded by original Kevin Eastman art and TMNT books of all kinds how can I call myself a true turtlehead and be the kid who claims that he read the comic book before the cartoon came out or the guy with the green Ooze pumping through his veins…. How can I call myself a Shell-Head if I NEVER BEAT THIS GAME !!!
Forget the Super Bowl the only Bowl in this House is the one "holding four baby Turtles……"
Forget the Super Bowl the only Bowl in this House is the one "holding four baby Turtles……"
I quickly pulled the recently acquired Super Nintendo off the shelf and grabbed the freshly cleaned Super Game Boy cart and set up in front of the Samsung LCD. Usually I don't play these games on the big screen but this one looked great.
As soon as the Konami logo dropped off screen the Stage was set April had been kiddnaped (again) and the Turtles boys were out to save her. The short intro used a classic shot from the shows intro and it looked great in pixels. After the plot was delivered the select screen allows you to pick one of the fab four, Leo was on top so I started there. The first thing I noticed was the original TV show's theme song popping in the background, a lot of time these attempts to adapt a known song to a 8-bit game went wrong but this was and is actually really good !! The character animations also are really quite good in this game and the Turtles each have a lil extra weapon animation as they walk. The first stage displays excellent textures as we walk along a seedy area in my hometown of New York City. Foot Soldiers and "Tubular Transports" attack in unison as we move forward (I'm not kidding that what they are called look it up). The game has surprisingly good hit detection in the players favor, I find it easy to strike one side and quickly turn and destroy my next target even when it seem there will not be enough time to do so. Some familar things from the Arcade game appear like destroyable parking meters and barrels. The game has many hidden areas that lead to a life replenishing Bonus Game, the first one is located in the space that second barrel occupies, smash it and walk where the barrel once was. The Bonus Game is random and is one of three possible games - A number guessing game with Master Splinter, a fun leave Krang with the last Shuriken game or a kool lil random Target shooting game. Win a Bonus game and get your life replenished. Reaching the end of the stage sends Leo in to the next area , a quite familiar one at that the Sewers !
1-2 Sewers
This area brings a new enemy to battle the "Mousers" many will remember them from the comics and the cartoons. Oh !! And Konami got it right this time even though you have the ability to jump the gaps in the sewers if you land in the water you DONT DIE !!! Hell you don't even take damage un like the NES game. Thank You Konami for finally realizing that the Turtles can SWIM !!!! Any way you will however have to jump to survive these ginny boulder that roll on screen called "Shell Shockers" again not making this up. before exiting area 1-2 go below the pipes and touch the dead end wall to find another bound area if you miss it don't worry theres everyones favorite Pizza available before the jump to 1-3.
1-3 Streets
Be Careful as the Foot come flying on the screen in their "Brawling Biker Trikes" using the high jump is the best way to avoid them and I like to wait till the last minute to jump and redirect my self to safety. The bikers are another example of how the hit detection and controls really work in your favor as I look at the enemy I think I'm gonna be hit but I always manage to avoid damage. Avoid some Foot and Tubular attacks grab the slice at the end and on to 1-4
1-4 Back to the Sewer
I want to mention that not only will the backgrounds change after this stage but the Stages 2,3,4,5 only have 2 areas each this is the only Stage with 4 areas… but each does have a Boss !! We haven't lost a turtle yet and we shouldn't on this board as there are four pizza slices spend through out the area and another hidden bound area. Fighting the usually fair of Footies and watching above for falling ceiling tiles drop in the drink at first chance and move forward under the pipes until you find the hidden Bouns game. Grab the last slice if you need the health and get ready for the First Boss Fight!!!!!!
Rocksteady is a Buffoon ! But a Buffoon with a M-60 sooo… Using my Mutant reflexes and Master Splinters Ninja training I slice the bullets outta the air and quickly attack with either my Swords or a timed Jump Kick don't bother with your throwing stars… What? Oh I didn't mention the throwing stars before? …. Oh sorry, yeaaah they are only slightly useful in the game for the weakest enemies or to stun others. Once Rocksteady takes the dirt nap Im treated to another great graphic of Donatello sating the Enemies and April are near…..hmmm I don't think so, not just yet buddy. And he's the smart one Jeeezzz…..
2-1 Tunnels
Tunnels not Sewers get that straight okay… any way Stage 2 brings about the first of the shorter stages and more new traps. Watch out for the moving pillars the rising ones are okay and won't crush you but the ceiling based ones coming down will flatten you like turtles on the highway. Hopping on top of the second accenting pillar and touching the ceiling leads to a Bonus area. If you get the ridiculous Number Game thing and fail don't worry two slices a pizza await ahead as you jump, jump, jump for your life past more rolling Shell Shockers. Stage 2-2 continues through Tunnels but adds yet another new enhance encounter for death the Fire Balls with sunglasses…. Okay sooo crawling slowly through this area Leo and I manage to make it by waiting for the Fire Balls to appear and then slicing them before jumping to the next pillar to safety don't land in the liquid below as this is not a Sewer so that is not water but some toxic slime ewwww… If you can swat at the fling Pizza Box to get a full recharge and then set off to face Bebop.
This Hot Headed Hog will charge you on sight so jump over him and attack from behind. A couple times he got smart and fired a beam at me but just like before they can be seated away like flies. I kept up the beating till he fell off screen.
3-1 Convoy surfing
After watching a neat little cut scene we find out the bastards have head off in escape vehicles. Select your turtle of choice (mine still being Leonardo) and take a ride on the highway but not in a car on top of moving tractor trailers… sooo don't miss the jumps or …..squish! Mastering the jump kick saved my shell on this one as the Foot Ninja love to tag team yah on the open road. When you see the brick tossing Foot fellas destroy the brick then attack them. Moving carefully I quickly learned never to defend from a trucks roof or hood the trailers and flatbeds are the best bet. Grabbing some pizza I'm off to 3-2 …. Wait there no 3-2 ? Its straight to the Boss Battle !!
Baxter Stockman
Ol Bug Breath is here to try and ruin or picnic. He fires Bullets in two directions and then swoops in for a attack either swat the bullets and hit and run or wait for his swoop then counter with a Ninja Jump Kick ! I love that after each Boss is defeated you regain your health to full.
As soon as the Konami logo dropped off screen the Stage was set April had been kiddnaped (again) and the Turtles boys were out to save her. The short intro used a classic shot from the shows intro and it looked great in pixels. After the plot was delivered the select screen allows you to pick one of the fab four, Leo was on top so I started there. The first thing I noticed was the original TV show's theme song popping in the background, a lot of time these attempts to adapt a known song to a 8-bit game went wrong but this was and is actually really good !! The character animations also are really quite good in this game and the Turtles each have a lil extra weapon animation as they walk. The first stage displays excellent textures as we walk along a seedy area in my hometown of New York City. Foot Soldiers and "Tubular Transports" attack in unison as we move forward (I'm not kidding that what they are called look it up). The game has surprisingly good hit detection in the players favor, I find it easy to strike one side and quickly turn and destroy my next target even when it seem there will not be enough time to do so. Some familar things from the Arcade game appear like destroyable parking meters and barrels. The game has many hidden areas that lead to a life replenishing Bonus Game, the first one is located in the space that second barrel occupies, smash it and walk where the barrel once was. The Bonus Game is random and is one of three possible games - A number guessing game with Master Splinter, a fun leave Krang with the last Shuriken game or a kool lil random Target shooting game. Win a Bonus game and get your life replenished. Reaching the end of the stage sends Leo in to the next area , a quite familiar one at that the Sewers !
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The second barrel hides the entrance to the Hidden Area |
Good Luck this game is a lil ridiculous |
1-2 Sewers
This area brings a new enemy to battle the "Mousers" many will remember them from the comics and the cartoons. Oh !! And Konami got it right this time even though you have the ability to jump the gaps in the sewers if you land in the water you DONT DIE !!! Hell you don't even take damage un like the NES game. Thank You Konami for finally realizing that the Turtles can SWIM !!!! Any way you will however have to jump to survive these ginny boulder that roll on screen called "Shell Shockers" again not making this up. before exiting area 1-2 go below the pipes and touch the dead end wall to find another bound area if you miss it don't worry theres everyones favorite Pizza available before the jump to 1-3.
I love the detail |
Hers the spot for the Second Hidden Area |
A much easier Bonus Game |
Be Careful as the Foot come flying on the screen in their "Brawling Biker Trikes" using the high jump is the best way to avoid them and I like to wait till the last minute to jump and redirect my self to safety. The bikers are another example of how the hit detection and controls really work in your favor as I look at the enemy I think I'm gonna be hit but I always manage to avoid damage. Avoid some Foot and Tubular attacks grab the slice at the end and on to 1-4
1-4 Back to the Sewer
I want to mention that not only will the backgrounds change after this stage but the Stages 2,3,4,5 only have 2 areas each this is the only Stage with 4 areas… but each does have a Boss !! We haven't lost a turtle yet and we shouldn't on this board as there are four pizza slices spend through out the area and another hidden bound area. Fighting the usually fair of Footies and watching above for falling ceiling tiles drop in the drink at first chance and move forward under the pipes until you find the hidden Bouns game. Grab the last slice if you need the health and get ready for the First Boss Fight!!!!!!
Rocksteady is a Buffoon ! But a Buffoon with a M-60 sooo… Using my Mutant reflexes and Master Splinters Ninja training I slice the bullets outta the air and quickly attack with either my Swords or a timed Jump Kick don't bother with your throwing stars… What? Oh I didn't mention the throwing stars before? …. Oh sorry, yeaaah they are only slightly useful in the game for the weakest enemies or to stun others. Once Rocksteady takes the dirt nap Im treated to another great graphic of Donatello sating the Enemies and April are near…..hmmm I don't think so, not just yet buddy. And he's the smart one Jeeezzz…..
2-1 Tunnels
Tunnels not Sewers get that straight okay… any way Stage 2 brings about the first of the shorter stages and more new traps. Watch out for the moving pillars the rising ones are okay and won't crush you but the ceiling based ones coming down will flatten you like turtles on the highway. Hopping on top of the second accenting pillar and touching the ceiling leads to a Bonus area. If you get the ridiculous Number Game thing and fail don't worry two slices a pizza await ahead as you jump, jump, jump for your life past more rolling Shell Shockers. Stage 2-2 continues through Tunnels but adds yet another new enhance encounter for death the Fire Balls with sunglasses…. Okay sooo crawling slowly through this area Leo and I manage to make it by waiting for the Fire Balls to appear and then slicing them before jumping to the next pillar to safety don't land in the liquid below as this is not a Sewer so that is not water but some toxic slime ewwww… If you can swat at the fling Pizza Box to get a full recharge and then set off to face Bebop.
I tried the other Turtles on my replay to pick up some Photos I missed |
This Hot Headed Hog will charge you on sight so jump over him and attack from behind. A couple times he got smart and fired a beam at me but just like before they can be seated away like flies. I kept up the beating till he fell off screen.
3-1 Convoy surfing
After watching a neat little cut scene we find out the bastards have head off in escape vehicles. Select your turtle of choice (mine still being Leonardo) and take a ride on the highway but not in a car on top of moving tractor trailers… sooo don't miss the jumps or …..squish! Mastering the jump kick saved my shell on this one as the Foot Ninja love to tag team yah on the open road. When you see the brick tossing Foot fellas destroy the brick then attack them. Moving carefully I quickly learned never to defend from a trucks roof or hood the trailers and flatbeds are the best bet. Grabbing some pizza I'm off to 3-2 …. Wait there no 3-2 ? Its straight to the Boss Battle !!
Baxter Stockman
Ol Bug Breath is here to try and ruin or picnic. He fires Bullets in two directions and then swoops in for a attack either swat the bullets and hit and run or wait for his swoop then counter with a Ninja Jump Kick ! I love that after each Boss is defeated you regain your health to full.
4-1 Down River
Its time to float down river and find the Chrome Dome and Techno-Drome. The stage provides some logs to float on kinda like frogger and if you make use of them you can avoid the mechanical monsters posting as fish below…. for a bit any way. Watch out for the falling "Nitro Burning Doughnuts" you can hit them as they fall but once they start rolling on the ground they pose too small a target to hit even while crouching with those throwing stars we all love. Underwater and at the half way point…hey were breathing under water !!! Yeah for Konami !! Like I was saying underwater and halfway through the stage you'll find not only pizza but those pesky shell shockers roll just fine under her so be sure to jump when yah see em. Jumping out of the water also makes any approaching onscreen mechanical fish disappear as a neat glitch. When area 4-2 kicks off immediately turn to the left and jump high in to the top left corner of the screen to be wished to another Bonus Round hopefully the target or Krang game as they are easy. What this swamp (?) area lacks in detail it makes up for in abundance of enimies it wasn't easy being green and keep in mind there are only two pizza slices here. I put my reflexes and faith in the controls to the test as I repeatedly slashed Foot Ninja and these weird attacking sparks all the while jumping to dodge a stampede of Shell Shocker Boulders and the appearance of Mousers that now pop out of the ground to attack you….I applaud you Konami programers…. well played. I almost certainly jump kicked more here than the rest of the game.
The Hidden Area is Here !! |
Down Boy !!!! |
Shred Head Finally makes his debut and is not as simple as his underlings. This Master Ninja has learned a disappearing Jutsu which he executes after he swipes at you with his Katana. I leaped at him taking the offense and would quickly back away jumping in retreat then return only after he would do his disappearing trick. Not the hardest Boss fight ever but strategy is needed.
We meet again Oroku Saki !!! |
If at any point in the game you need to fill your heath gauge to full or want to save a certain turtle from being lost forever dimly Puase the Game and input the Konami or Contra code we all know and love…
But be warned this can only be used ONCE per game.
Seeing the TechnoDrome in the distance the Boys are ready to end this fight….
5-1 Techno-Drome
Once again kick off the final level by jumping in to the upper left for Bonus Game. Starting off this final Stage I was so excited to be this close to winning and doing so well. Energy beams similar to the ones found in the Arcade game make an appreance but their not alone as mousers return again to burrow from under your two toed feet and they too are not alone in-fact no ones alone as almost all the previous enemies are here to attack you and….. those "Road Kill Rodneys" from the Arcade game too you know the ones that ride on a single tire and shock you to death with a metallic tendril. Savior the one slice o' pizza you get here as its the only one…. and at the end of the damn area…..
Moving on to 5-2 and nearing completion I really started to get nerviousnow for the first time, not only was I about to finally Finish this and Make it a proud War Journal entry but I was going undefeated with all four Terrapin Teens still in my bank !!!!! Go Green Machine !!! Yet again I jump up to the left and discover another Bonus Area, man they are getting complacent with the location at this point eh? A final new vehicle for my destruction shows its ugly face although it has no face and is quite literally a vehicle, is a tunneling looking machine that has rows of blades and spikes so I jump to avoid and don't even think of finding out if it can bleed. I find Pizza slices at the beginning and middle of this area and I need them the Rodneys have electrocuted poor Leo so much I'm about to use the Contra code to revive him just when an enemy falls and I find in place of a corpse a delicious New York Style Pizza. Mangaeing to hold on till the end of the stage I find a full sized pizza pie waiting to refill my heath once again before I move off screen to the right and face the Master of the Techno-Drome…..
I find Krang much as you would in the Cartoon starting at the controls to the massive portal to his home world of Dimension X. His oversized mechanical replacement body is at full power and ready to make Shredder that turtle soup he was always threading to dine on. I take the offensive as I usually do and jump kick the big brute and quickly back away. Thank goodness for those Ninja reflexes again as when you attack him Krang immediately counters with a big boot. Several combinations of slash and run or kick and run and finally the Robot body slowly disapears as Krang is defeated and sent back through the portal. Another little cut scene show the turtles untying April O'Neil as she thanks them through text.
Raise da Roof !!!! |
Holy Crap !!! I just beat TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan !!!! On one Turtle !!!
The Finisher Lives on !! Total play time: 26 mins.
Some times the best things can't be planned and I really enjoyed this game and review I will most certainly play this game again and again over the years. Kudos to Konami fall of the Foot Clan team on a job done AMAZINGLY !!! Please continue to follow us on Instagram, Twitter or Flickr @FinalbossNYC and thanks again for all the support.
Alright till next time COWABUNGA DUDES !!!!!!
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