Saturday, August 3, 2013

Game Hunting: EP 3- Secret Treasure !!

Welcome back to Game Hunting ! Let's start off by addressing some changes, Im tweaking things a bit and Game Hunting will for now be the article for the week that it appears thats to also say that Game Hunting wont happen every week or as often so that we still have reviews and editorials. This is all happening so that the Final Boss can have more time to deliver play throughs and reviews with out rushing andddd also because I'm hooked on Wii U ..... yah thats happened. Im currently playing the Wii's Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess which I never finished or to correctly put it I never got out of the "first" dungeon back when it came out. I got hung up on some small part with the monkeys and recently picked it up again as you may have seen and I am throughly enjoying it on the Wii U its a great game and a Zelda title that should not be missed it reminds me of the original Zelda and Im sadly almost at the end. I also should mention another reason the changes are happening is that "Sub Boss" my son is Extremely mobile and dangerous right now so a lot more time and energy is devoted to him and recouping energy and cleaning up. Alright  now that the changes are out of the way I hope you all have been celebrating the Famicom and Game Boy's birthdays properly and lets get on to the Hunting ....

I think this Game Boy clone is awesome and can't wait to devote time and a whole article to it and its games.
Ive never owned a Game Boy clone or any Handheld Console clone. It really does feel like a quality device compared to other types of clone systems Ive played. After shooting the video I have noticed some things I wasn't aware of before like apparently there were two versons of SP's on the market and the second one had a raised logo sticker like this one and some other small similarities that ill mention in a proper review. I cant wait to get back to tennis after sooo many years and check out Hudson's Hector 87 and Im really thinking of putting together a group to play through Zelda Four swords with, that would be a cool thing to write about and each person could do a small War Journal on their views of the group experience... Hmmmm Idea forming  !!!

I really hope to hear from the prize winners soon and also I still really want to hear from people about their experiences with the Game Boy Family of consoles and Im always interested in hearing from the community which is slowly gaining a voice with people "publicly" subscribing to the you tube channel and this Blog and leaving comments like Kevin has ( Thanks Kev! Blades of Steel was the SH*T! ).

Can you spot my next big purchase ?  Its in here I haven't told anyone yet... guess and maybe you'll be rewarded  ? 

Game Genie Hmmm Well I have never owned one...

Summer Sale !!

Below are some Photos that my Gaming Wing man Jay sent me when he got home last night of the stuff he scored on our trip to VGNY and lets just say a certain someone at the shop TOTALLY hooked my boy up last night so much love as always to you know who at VGNY. Jay also recently received a OG Game Boy for his Birthday from a certain awesome gaming site.... oh yeah it was FINAL FU*KING BOSS !!! Sorry sorry...  wait ...NO IM NOT, WE'RE THE SH*T !! Any way I bring it up because Jay was on a mission to find a certain GB game from his childhood... "Spiderman" and after searching through the stacks in the back on the lower shelf... we found it  !! Can't wait to hear how it holds up to his memories, Jay also grabbed a Classic Not For Resale copy of Sonic the Hedgehog and a NFR copy of Sonic 2 to play on his very cool Retcon 3 system. For those that don't know the Retcon is a awesome emulation system or clone that Plays NES SNES & Genesis the company is always updating the system and the Retcon 5 is coming soon and plays 5 different consoles now. I also wann bring up that recently on a trip to my childhood shopping Mall in Queens I scored a mint copy of Metroid the Other M for $3.99 at Game Stop... I know !!  Not to sound like the '80s from whence I came but thats Totally Awesome !!!

A Classic 
Say thats a pretty sweet looking Game Boy 

This is where we found spiderman second stacked row at the bottom,
you need to dig for treasure !

Come on  $3.99 thats Awesome ...Totally Awesome  !

sketch done on napkin at work while discussing the coming hunt 

Well thats it for another edition of Final Boss Game Hunting I hope you enjoyed it and come back soon and get ready for some big developments and keep up the comments and the community will visually flourish the more people turn off the private following and subscribing settings. But thank you al for all the hits we receive its a lot more every article and more than I thought Id see this early from all over the world too boot.  And don't to forget to check out the Site that has picked us up as a Column Geek Mode Online you can find summarized FB reviews there and also our Modern gaming reviews. And if you spotted the question above send in your answers to Subject : Game Hunting and ill issue a small but worthy prize, guess even if you don't know what to call it describe it.        Keep on gaming fellow FAMIKA !!


  1. Is the next one the konami thing next to the wii consoles you most likely have most of the things in the case

    1. I cant tell you but I can say Idont have alot of that stuff a bunch is modded awesomeness hahahah
      Also you should email your answer in to to try and win

  2. I'd send my answer but I already got a prize :D
    Thanks again
